Monday, October 19, 2020


weight loss

Are you looking forward to lose weight?

Have you heard before that lemons are one of the best kept secrets to weight loss. I ask myself, "Is that really true?" It's just lemon... and it's just water... so then how could water with lemon for weight loss work? 

As there has been a surge in information lately about whether if lemon juice or lemon in water could be used to help losing weight.

Most people do not understand why we need water with lemon for weight loss. Most people work out trying to lose weight but do not drink the desired amount therefore do not lose much weight in the process .

So then I decided to do a little researching and discovered the benefits of lemons and water and how they would affect the body and help loose weight.

What lemon can do for your body

Before we take a look at water with lemon for weight loss, lets take a look at what kind of benefits a lemon has for you by itself:

1. Lemons contain a great amount of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

2. It serves as a skin cleanser

3. It also serves as an antiseptic

4. Lemons help with heart problems due to its high potassium, and can aid with other problems such as heartburn and bloating.

Who doesn't want to have rapid weight loss ?To find out more about this and other helpful weight loss tips and much more go HERE now 

The benefits of Water

You always hear "drink 8 glasses of water for good results," but do you ever drink 8 glasses? Most people don't, even though they know they should. Water alone provides your body with useful weight loss benefits.

Water naturally has the properties of cleansing the system of toxins and hence it is recommended in large quantities by almost all of the weight loss programs. Lemon has the properties of aiding the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. A lot of people who tried water with lemon have reported a significant improvement in losing weight. It flushes the liver of toxins and hence aiding the better assimilation of food.

So why do experts say water with lemon for weigh loss is so important?
water and lemon

As you know, your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of wastes through your urine. If at anytime you don't have enough water in your body, your body will enter "survival mode," where it will conserve as much water as possible. When it does this, it will hold back your urine and wastes too. When enough waste builds up in your system, your liver will start helping your kidneys get rid of waste. If your liver has to help out with other tasks, then it won't be doing its main tasks as effectively. - And what are the liver's main tasks? Using up your stored body fat as energy. So it's important that your liver is functioning 100% to get rid of your body fat instead of helping to get rid of wastes.

Here is the good news when you start to drink water with lemon for weight loss on a regular basis. Your body will realize this and will not store as much fluid giving you every chance to lose weight fat. This might take a few weeks to happen but just keep drinking lots of water and you will see a massive improvement.

Okay, a lemon by itself doesn't sound like a miracle cure for weight loss. But when you add the water in, then water with lemon for weight loss seems like a good possibility.

Want to learn more about how I build my body and lose fat?  READ MORE

So how much lemon should we take each day to see weight loss?

Experts say you need 8 ounces of water with lemon per day - that's just for the average person. If you're overweight you will need more. As a rule of thumb you should be having 8-10 half pint glasses a day or 4 pint glasses for good weight loss.

Water with Lemon for Weight Loss!
So how does the combination of water with lemon for weight loss work well? Well there's one more good thing about lemons (as well as other citrus fruits). They have a pure concentrated form of citric acid. Due to citric acid's high acidity and ph, it's able to break down your fat molecules. When something in your body is broken down, it goes back into the digestive system and is discarded as waste. Now you can see where water plays a role... the water from the lemon juice will help keep you hydrated so that you can properly get rid of your fat molecules once and for all.

Water with lemon for weight loss will definitely help you out in a weight loss program. You should drink at least 8 glasses per day to keep your body hydrated so that it can properly function, while having some lemons in your drinks to help out. Try to not have too many lemons per day, or else your mouth/teeth/gum may start feeling irritated.

 It is beneficial that you add water and lemon to your plan. These 2 things alone can help you to a smoother weight loss path. The experts have stated that everyone needs 8 ounces of water with lemon daily. Now this is not just so you can have flavoring with your water but to make losing weight easier. Water alone does a great job of revamping the cells in your body so they can perform better. When you add lemon to it the outcome is greater. Make sure not to combine any sugars or sweeteners with this or you will lose the benefits.

What to drink, cold water or hot water?

I get asked this question a lot and to be honest with you it really does not matter. Some experts say you can drink more water if it's hot but others say it's healthier if you drink cold. Both hot and cold are good for you but the choice is yours.

The main thing is drinking the water weather it is hot or cold. Don't get too concerned about the temperature. Go with what you feel is best for you if you like drinking water cold then do that and like wise with hot water. But what I will say is don't drink to much at once experts say drinking a lot at one go can be bad for you. Just stick to a pint at a time drinking 4 pints a day and spread then out and you will be fine.

here are the steps in preparing a lemon and water solution for weight loss

1. Cut the lemon into 4 pieces. 


2. Take one of them and squeeze the juice into a large glass of water.

squeezing lemon into a cup

3. Drink to your satisfaction.

a woman drinking water

 It can be served cold if you prefer. Also, lemon can be used with green tea. Green tea which happens to be a constituent of most weight loss supplements is a known weight loss method. With addition of lemon, it can add to the benefit apart from improving the taste. It can be used as a healthy beverage substituting the regular soda and other drinks.
burn fat

Drinking water with lemon for weight loss is grate because it adds a nice taste to your water. It's much better than drinking plain water and it adds other benefits too. Lemon is a good source of vitamin C which is good for the body and skin. Lemon also helps you lose weight but there is a secret to it. 

Even if water with lemon for weight loss is good for us but you need to be careful when drinking pints of water before you go to bed it can interrupt your sleep by going to the bathroom all night.

You should not only just drink water with lemon to lose weight. It is essential that you still exercise and eat right. Who would have thought that such a simple and inexpensive method would help you to lose weight? The best part is you can begin immediately.

Here are the Top 8 Benefits of Drinking Water with Lemon for Weight Loss

1. When you start drinking this combination the body will stop storing fluid and allow for you to start losing weight faster.
2. Lemon has vitamin c in it which is essential for good skin.
3. It allows for you to have a stronger immune system.
4. This will push out toxins within your body so your body can function at a higher rate.
5. This will clean out your blood allowing for better blood flow within your body.
6. This improves the functioning of the digestive system.
7. It also helps your body to absorb calcium, which will allow you to have stronger bones.
8. Since lemon is an acid it helps tear apart fat in the body.

a woman measuring her waist

As you can see, the above methods if followed will for sure result in quicker burning of fat which will aid weight loss. But, there is a real reason why you are FAT and nobody has ever told you the real reason! This truth revealed HERE will Shock You. Visit now to find the root cause of why you are overweight and find the cure.

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