Tuesday, October 20, 2020




Many people have high cholesterol which is very detrimental to our health and that is why doctors check the levels of cholesterols in their patients.

 Maintaining the correct levels of cholesterol in the body is essential as it can cause very serious health problems, many of which are serious heart complications.

As we all know, there has to be a certain level of cholesterol in the body because it serves a vital role in the creation of tissue and cells despite all the bad press it gets, it is critical to good health and as such,it is important  to get the right amount in your diet. However, too much cholesterol can increase the risk of a stroke and associated coronary diseases.

Making a diet more healthy is very crucial as this can substantially lower cholesterol.  The problem is that our western diet is way too heavy in high cholesterol foods and  for this reason, we need to pay a lot more attention to what we eat. The obesity facts are pretty clear, we must eat more fruits and vegetables and take in less red meat and processed foods.

There are some proven natural ways for anyone trying to lower their cholesterol levels, . Here are some dietary natural methods to lower high cholesterol that anyone can do.

1. Garlic: 


Garlic has been proven to make the liver increase in function to get rid of harmful substances. Garlic is extremely easy to include in any diet. 

cut garlic into small pieces and add into or on top of many dishes, such as pastas, sauces, soups, salads, and breads. There are also natural garlic supplements that can be obtained.

2. Soy :


Soy has been proven beyond doubt to have numerous benefits. It contains phytoestrogens which are compounds that increase the amount of receptors that help the liver filter out harmful substances. Soy is often used as a milk substitute so it can be obtained easily in grocery store or even as an option at coffee houses.

3.  Include carbohydrates as part of your daily diet. 


The daily recommended amount of portions of carbohydrates should be at least sixty per cent of your overall calorie intake which amounts to at least five to ten servings. Carbohydrates includes rice, pasta, whole grain breads and cereals.

The advantages are that carbohydrates are low in fat and rich in fiber. However, some baked food does tend to have a high sugar content and you should restrict your intake as they do have a high cholesterol level and are generally not a healthy choice.

4. Almonds and flaxseeds 


Almond and flaxseeds are also a good food options that have shown  to be very effective. Almonds have antioxidants in them such as flavonoids and vitamin E which is good at preventing detrimental oxidation in the body that may lead to plaque building up in the arteries. Flaxseeds have a soluble fiber in them called lignan and it increases the function of the body to rid itself of harmful substances and blocks them. You can add both into a diet by sprinkling a handful of them over other foods, such as cereal or yogurt.
Note that not all foods that are free of cholesterol are good for you. What you should purposely concentrate on is maintaining a balanced healthy diet which includes food from all the major food groups. For example, a recommended daily intake of five portions of fruit and vegetables is advisable. Fruit and vegetables are delicious and nutritious and such you can incoporate them  as as part of your daily diet as side dishes or snacks.  you may  also consider a vegetarian option for your main meal. All fruits and vegetables, should, however, be thoroughly sterilized by washing them before eating. The advantages of eating fruits and vegetables are that they are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals,and are rich in fiber, and some contain no cholesterol at all.

5. Another good choice is apples.apple

 Apples have skins that are very rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are an antioxidant that are good for the heart. Apples should be eaten alone and whole with the skin still on.

baked foods
6. Always try to choose food that has not been fried in oil or have a breadcrumb coating. The safest and healthiest options are dishes that are poached, grilled or baked. If you have limited time and have to eat convenience foods choose salads, poultry or lean meat rather than calorie laden sandwiches which may include extras that are high in cholesterol content.


7.  Pay close attention to how some dishes are prepared in restaurants before purchasing or ordering as there may be a choice of meals available that are specifically designed to be low in fat and cholesterol.

8. For breakfast, take in fruit and cereal are instead of eggs, bacon and sausages which are already high in cholesterol but are made even more so by the way that they are prepared

Those were some dietary natural methods to lower high cholesterol that  can anyone can start  doing today.  All the methods mentioned above are all safe and effective and all people can do them.
High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest . Keeping the body strong and healthy is very important as it will go a long way  to reduce the risk of getting serious problems in the future.
Thanks for Reading. we hope you enjoyed the Article.

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