Sunday, October 18, 2020



hair loss
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Do you know that the causes of hair loss can go a long way to determine the way it can be treated in order to achieve maximum results? 
The  main the reason why  most people fail when it comes to  finding the correct treatment for hair loss is that they don't take their time to find out why their hair is becoming thin or falling out. Instead, they panic and start grabbing products to put on their scalp. 
Determining the cause of hair loss can be can be a staggering and overwhelming issue. There is a wide range of roads to explore and so many different avenues to investigate; 
Hair loss is a common phenomenon which is not limited to any particular race or culture or race rather it is more of a universal problem. 
Mild hair loss or baldness is not that obnoxious, but excessive hair loss may require proper medical attention. There are different reasons for balding and a few components may really add to unnecessary balding. Let us investigate some of them here in this article. 

Let us explore some of them here in this article.
 Heredity:  Heredity factors can be a genuine cause of hair loss problem. The most common of all types of hair loss problems is Androgenetic alopecia, which refers to the predisposition of baldness. Notwithstanding, the role of heredity in hair loss is not simple. The genetic propensity along with the prevalence of androgen hormone and ageing plays the significant role in developing baldness.
 Major Illness Major illnesses such as typhoid, malaria can result in excessive hair loss. 
If someone undergoes through chemotherapy, it results in tremendous hair loss, and in most of the cases, it is incurable also. Apart from that, surgical intervention can be considered as one of the major causes of hair loss.
 A temporary condition for hair loss may be induced due to stressors experienced at the time of illness. Hormonal Dysfunction: 
 Hormonal changes have the largest impact on hair; whether it is hair growth or loss hormones play a significant role. These fluctuations in hormones cause hair loss in both men and women. Dysfunctions associated with hormones may play major role in premature hair loss. Many of the important hormones are secreted from thyroid gland. Individuals having hyperactive or less active thyroid gland may experience hair loss problems. This type of hair loss problem can be solved with thyroid treatment. Recently, medical science has finally identified the main cause of hair loss in men. 
Now, it is a known medical fact that hair loss stems from both genetic and hormonal causes. Androgenetic Alopecia or "male pattern hair loss" is the cause of 95% of hair loss cases. The key is a hormonal byproduct called DHT (dihydrotestostrone). The more DHT that gets put into your body, the more your hair follicle thins until the hair is permanently lost.
The imbalance occurred in sex hormones, androgens and estrogens, is believed to be one of the main causes of hair loss. Many women experience hair loss problems during pregnancy as well as prior and post delivery stages. It all occurs due to hormonal imbalance within the body system.
 Medication: There are certain medicines that may promote hair loss. However, in most of the cases, this is temporal. When you stop taking some particular medications promoting hair loss, the problem alleviates. Blood thinners or anticoagulants, gout medicines, chemotherapy, steroids, interferon, excessive amount of vitamin A, birth control pills and antidepressants are the medications which are considered as the causes of hair loss. 
     Another factor is Stress and this is a significant factor that promotes hair loss. 

Studies reveal if someone is not experiencing any apparent factors that may contribute to hair loss, but is undergoing through stress, he or she may experience hair loss problems. Essentially, stress is related to two types of hair loss problems - Telogen effluvium and Alopecia areata.
 Apart from that, psychological dysfunction may contribute to hair loss such as trichotillomania. Infection Different types of fungal infections can be the causes of hair loss. Especially in children, it is quite common to see hair loss problems due to fungal infection on the scalp area.

 However, this type of fungal infection can be treated using antifungal medications. Internal Health Hazards The diseases like lupus or diabetes may cause hair loss problems. In these cases, hair loss is considered as one of the early warning signs of the diseases. So if you are losing your hair without any apparent reason, it is always advisable that you must not neglect the situation and immediately ask for guidance from expert health practitioners. Deficient diets, especially those lacking protein may also lead to hair loss. 
Dramatically shifting your diet causes stress on the body which in turn forces the hair into the resting phase and many times leads to increase shedding. Damage to the hair follicle is many times unintentional. Styling hair by means of bleaching, blow drying, braiding, straightening, and even pulling up hair into tight ponytails causes severe damage to the hair follicle. It is very common for individuals to change the look of their hair using chemical treatments like dyes, bleaches, relaxers and perms. All of these changes contain very powerful chemicals. If these changes occur using proper means and products, extensive damage is rare.
 However, even if these changes are completed properly, but used in too high of frequency long term damaged can be caused to the hair follicle. Hair pulling, weaves, and braids apply pressure to the follicle, this form of hair loss is called traction alopecia.
 This occurs when the hair is pulled tightly back and fastened at the base of the skull, or braided into tight braids or rows. 
Exposure to this type of hairstyle over long periods of time can result in scarring alopecia, with no potential for re-growth. Improper Hair Care


 Last but not the least, improper hair care can contribute to major hair loss, hence it can be considered as one of the main causes of hair loss. If you tie your wet hair or pull your hair with tight hair rollers, you may experience traction alopecia, a type of hair loss. If you stop pulling your hair before it is too late and prior developing any scar on the scalp area, it has the possibility that your hair may grow back naturally. However, if you develop scar, it has a high chance that you loss your hair on the scarred area forever. Chemical treatment associated with permanents, also known as 'perms', may cause to severe hair loss for some people, leading to experience scarring and inflammation on the affected areas. 
 If you are looking for more information, click HERE

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